Iwatsuki, Kenichi

About me

Iwatsuki, Kenichi (Iwatsuki is my family name.)
PhD in Computer Science, Bachelor of Liberal Arts (UTokyo)
Interested in
Formulaic Expressions, Computational Linguistics, Document Analysis
A member of
Association for Natural Language Processing (since 2014)


  1. April 2023–: Senior Research Engineer at Mirai Translate, Inc.
  2. April 2021–March 2023: Postdoctoral Researcher at Nippon Steel Corporation
  3. April 2018–March 2021: Research Fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (DC2)



  1. Formulaic expression searching service was released!!
  2. formulaic expressions, formulaic sequences, lexical bundles, phraseology, phrase frames
  3. communicative function, communicative role, rhetorical function, rhetorical role, move, step, meta-discourse
  4. documents including scholarly papers, scientific papers, research articles, scientific documents


International Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed)

  1. Iwatsuki, Kenichi, Aizawa, Akiko. (2021). Communicative-Function-Based Sentence Classification for Construction of an Academic Formulaic Expression Database. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 3476–3497. [doi] [data]
  2. Iwatsuki, Kenichi, Aizawa, Akiko. (2021). Extraction of Formulaic Expressions from Scientific Papers. Proceedings of the Workshop on Scientific Document Understanding. [URI]
  3. Iwatsuki, Kenichi, Boudin, Florian, Aizawa, Akiko. (2020). An Evaluation Dataset for Identifying Communicative Functions of Sentences in English Scholarly Papers. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 1712–1720. [URI]
  4. Iwatsuki, Kenichi, Aizawa, Akiko. (2018). Using Formulaic Expressions in Writing Assistance Systems. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, p. 2678–2689. [URI]
  5. Iwatsuki, Kenichi, Sagara, Takeshi, Hara, Tadayoshi, Aizawa, Akiko. (2017). Detecting In-line Mathematical Expressions in Scientific Documents. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 141–144. [doi] [data]

Journals (peer-reviewed)

  1. Iwatsuki, Kenichi, Boudin, Florian, Aizawa, Akiko. (2022). Extraction and Evaluation of Formulaic Expressions Used in Scholarly Papers. Expert Systems with Applications, 187(115840). [doi]

Books (peer-reviewed)

  1. Iwatsuki, Kenichi. (2021). Towards Extracting Formulaic Expressions from Japanese Scholarly Papers. In Mika Hämäläinen, Niko Partanen & Khalid Alnajjar (Eds.), Multilingual Facilitation (pp. 74–82). University of Helsinki Library. [doi]

Domestic Conference Proceedings

  1. 岩月憲一, 根石将人. (2025). 日付入りLLM文書翻訳評価用データセット. 言語処理学会第31回年次大会発表論文集. 2856–2860. [URI]
  2. 岩月憲一. (2022). ドメインに特化した比較的少量のデータによる事前学習済みBERTの利用可能性:鉄鋼業における事例. 言語処理学会第28回年次大会発表論文集, 741–745. [URI]
  3. 岩月憲一, 相澤彰子. (2017). 英語論文の執筆を支援する定型表現集のカテゴリ構造の分析. 言語処理学会第23回年次大会発表論文集, 951–954. [URI]
  4. 岩月憲一, 加藤恒昭, 山口和紀. (2016). レイアウト認識に基づく論文構成要素の抽出. 第12回インタラクティブ情報アクセスと可視化マイニング研究会発表予稿集, 61–68. [URI]
  5. 加藤恒昭, 岩月憲一, 山口和紀. (2015). 文書構造に基づく対話的情報アクセスにむけて. 第10回インタラクティブ情報アクセスと可視化マイニング研究会発表予稿集, 1–8. [URI]

Others (peer-reviewed)

  1. Aizawa, Akiko, Sagara, Takeshi, Iwatsuki, Kenichi, Topic, Goran. (2018). Construction of a New ACL Anthology Corpus for Deeper Analysis of Scientific Papers. Third International Workshop on Scientific Document Analysis.
  2. Aizawa, Akiko, Sagara, Takeshi, Topic, Goran, Iwatsuki, Kenichi. (2018). Bridging the Gap between Layout, Logical, and Semantic Structures of Documents. International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Reading Experience & Analysis of Documents.

Technical Reports

  1. Iwatsuki, Kenichi, Akagi, Toshio, Hirano, Koji. (2024). Natural Language Processing for Business Process Innovation. Nippon Steel Technical Report, (131), 110–113. [URI]

Doctoral Thesis

  1. Iwatsuki, Kenichi. (2021). Extraction, Classification, and Retrieval of Formulaic Expressions in Scientific Papers. [Doctoral thesis, The University of Tokyo]. [doi]


  1. AtlanSTIC 2020 Visiting Researchers Programme: EUR 10,000 (Jul-Dec 2020) (Cancelled due to COVID-19)
  2. KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow): JPY 2,100,000 (2019-2020)
  3. The Association for Natural Language Processing, COLING 2018 Student Travel Support: JPY 350,000 (June 2018)
